We are helping people from 10 Years.

Everyone benefits when we help others. Start understanding more about the advantages of helping others and how we can contribute to the well-being of our fellow humans.


Charity and Collaboration: The only way we can make the world a better place is by engaging jointly.

Praise the Lord! Bethania House of Worship is a congregation founded on New Testament teachings. It is based in Garland, Texas, but has a global goal.

It is a non-denominational, multi-cultural Bible church that follows the principles of both the Jerusalem church (Acts 2:42) and the Antioch church (Acts Chap. 11,12 & 13).

We are a Christ-centered, Bible-based, family-oriented, evangelical church that exists to enable believers to worship the Lord in the splendour of Holiness.

10 + Years Experience

Welcome to Raphadon NGO

Helping Each Other Can Make World Better


Daily Devotions

Be The Reason Of Someone Smiles

There`s no limit to what you could raise!

Just by shopping online for new clothes via Give as you Live, means you could easily raise £10 a year for your charity. There are hundreds of leading retailers including M&S, Asos, Debenhams, House of Fraser, Next and New Look.

625 Children rescued
$ 880 Total donation
670 Project completed
1000 Active volunteer
Hepling Hand | Charity Donation

We are Alredy Dontation Allover country


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What We Do

A Mission To Solve A Problem

Medical facilities

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Food & water

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Education facilities

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Trusted by the biggest brand.

In-kind donations from our donors and partners allow charity: water to pass 100% of public donations straight to water projects. We are deeply grateful for those who have surprised us with their generosity. A big thanks to the following companies and people who have helped make charity: water’s work possible.

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