Never think That God wants for His work

.and the lord spake unto Moses, saying, speak                                                 

Unto the children of Israel, that they bring me

            an offering: of every man that giveth it willingly

With his heart, ye shall take my offering

                                                (Exod. 251;2)


For the work of God and for His sanctuary, God will not accept an offering that is given by compulsion or from a wrong motive. I ask you: Do you know the secret of giving to God all that you have, joyfully, cheerfully, and without holding anything back? Do you know how to give God your very best? God said: ‘I want only a willing offering’. There is a secret hidden here. It is the secret of the willing heart that gives its best to God. If you really want to do any service in the House of God, whether it be praying, or teaching, or visiting, or any other form of service, you must do it joyfully and cheerfully.

            Never think That God wants for His work money for which you beg or which you have to get by compulsion. Such money God will never use. Men may accept it, but God will never do so. He will only abhor it, for it is a willing, joyful offering that God wants. As you constrained by the Holy Spirit, so you must give.


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